
Richmond memorials vandalized

Richmond memorials vandalized

—  23 March 2016

The Saint Bibiane Catholic Church, the cenotaph, and the Celtic cross in Richmond were all…

New electoral map draws muted response

New electoral map draws muted response

—  22 March 2016

Given the years of debate that have taken place on the subject of Sherbrooke’s municipal…

A pot of gold for Lennoxville youth

A pot of gold for Lennoxville youth

—  17 March 2016

The Jean Coutu Pharmacy in Lennoxville was looking a little green on Thursday as community…

Bibeau touches down in Lennoxville

Bibeau touches down in Lennoxville

—  17 March 2016

After a trip to Washington last week and a stop in to the United Nations in New York on Wednesday,…

Elkas Funeral complex opens in Rock Forest

Elkas Funeral complex opens in Rock Forest

—  16 March 2016

The Steve L. Elkas funeral home in Fleurimont officially branched out on Wednesday, opening…

Wyatt Savage honoured for six decades of service

Wyatt Savage honoured for six decades of service

—  16 March 2016

As Wyatt Savage celebrated his 89th Birthday, he was honoured by the congregation of St. Andrew’s…

Sherbrooke Innovation accelerator focuses on local manufacturing

—  14 March 2016

Denis Marchand is the General Manager of Défi Innovation Estrie, a joint initiative of The…

ETSB names Christian Provencher as Director General

—  10 March 2016

The Eastern Townships School Board announced on Thursday morning that current Commision Scolare…

“They think it’s a disease for old people” Abigaël Walker takes on Childhood Arthritis

“They think it’s a disease for old people” Abigaël Walker takes on Childhood Arthritis

—  10 March 2016

When Abigaël Walker was six years old, she had what at first glance seemed like a very bad…

RCHS documentary on Scots heritage screening at Wales Home this evening

RCHS documentary on Scots heritage screening at Wales Home this evening

—  3 March 2016

The Richmond County Historical Society recently completed a documentary, Scots Heritage in…